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A necrotic impacted tooth is an incredibly dangerous condition to leave unchecked.

If left untreated the necroses may spread further into the gum's and jaw and will require many painful surgeries to repair. If left unchecked for too long mandible operation will become nearly impossible without agony.

The flipside of having a necrotic hole in your mouth is bacteria entering the blood stream through the hole, which can then take hold in any major organ and cause further problems, extreme cases may even result in nephrological/cardio/vascular/reqpiratory issues.

The vertigo will most likely be the result of the pressure and swelling around the wisdom tooth pressing on the cochlea or vestibule, resulting in an imbalance between left and right sides and hence the dizziness. If not the pressure, then bacterial infection in your inner ear resulting from the tooth or an unrelated source is the most likely cause, otherwise it is unrelated and a separate issue.

The best is to have the tooth and debrided by a dentist or orthodontist and speak to your General Practitioner about the vertigo if it persists.

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Q: Is it dangerous to have a decaying impacted wisdom tooth and is vertigo a dangerous symptom of this?
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