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Typically, yes. Kid's metabolisms are much more faster than adults' are. However, unless a child is very overweight, it's generally not recommended they try to lose weight until they're in their late teens or early 20's.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Yes it is very is to lose weight when your a kid because basically half of your body is made of water so If you drink alot of water all that water weight would go off.

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Yes, especially if you are kid, but I'm sure you or who ever it is can loose weight.

How do you lose weight fast when you are a kid?

exercise and eat healthier foods. and less food

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take smaller servings of food and exercise.

How do you lose weight and gain muscle being a 13 year old kid?

do dieting and build your muscle

How does a kid lose 14 pounds in 1 day?

For adults 2-3 pounds of weight loss is recommended. Coming to the kid it’s not the matter of healthy or unhealthy to lose 14 pounds in a day, it's impossible.

Why wont people let kids lose weight if the kid is 11 and overweight?

you should ask a doctor the best way to lose weight then. i lost like 2 pounds laying of the junk food for 3 DAYS!

How many calories should a kid eat if they are trying to lose weight?

You are a kid that extra weight is there to make you grow strong and tall. It will mostly be metabolised as you grow. Eat as much as you like just get plenty of exorcise. when you reach your full height then dieting can be considered an option.

Is their anything a 11 year old can take to lose weight?

Taking diet pills is never the best option at any age. For a kid, diet and exercise are a great way to lose weight. Sounds cliche, but if you want to be healthy while doing it, that's the best way.

What is a good weight for a baseball bat for a kid?

depends on your kid's weight, size and strength

How do 155 pound 11 year olds become 98 pounds in one summer?

An illness would be the only way for a kid to lose that much weight.