

Is it easy squash liquids

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Is it easy squash liquids
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Are liquids easy to squash?

One property of liquids is that, unlike gases, they cannot be compressed.No. It is not dense enough.

Which satate of matter is easy to squash?


Which state of matter is easy to squash?


Is water easy to squash?

No. Since water is a liquid it is not easily compressed.

What sport combines the game of handball and squash?

Racquetball combined the games of handball and squash. It was invented by Joe Sobek in 1950. He wanted to invent a new game that combined elements of squash, handball and paddleball that was quick and easy to learn.

How do you tell the difference between a gourd and squash?

This is not easy. Cucurbita Pepo is the Pumpkin, Veqatable Marrow family which includes the gords and squashes.

Why can you squash a gas but not a solid?

cause you can feel it and touch it

Why can't you squash a liquid?

Due to electromagnetic forces and chemical bonds liquids cannot be compressed except by freezing, chemical change, or fusion.

What food was a staple to the people of the Northwest?

corn, bean, and squash- it was easy to grow in the northwest.

Why isn't it easy to separate a mixture of liquids?

its hard be cause you are not able to separate the different liquids if their combined also know as a solution.

Why to beach balls squash easy?

Just how easily a beach ball squashes depends on the pressure of the air inside it; the lower the internal pressure compared to the pressure outside the ball, the easier it is to squash. Generally beach balls cannot be inflated to a pressure much greater than atmospheric pressure without bursting so the are normally quite easy to squash.

Why can't you squash a solid or a liquid?

In solids and liquids the molecules are already very close together so they can't be squeezed together much more than that. In a gas molecules are very spread out so they can be compressed.