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Q: Is it ethically morally right for older women to have IVF treatment?
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Is it morally or ethically right to have domestic partnership?

It's better than nothing, but the ethically responsible thing to do is allow same-sex marriage.

What is the word right definition?

"Right" can have various definitions depending on the context. It can refer to something that is morally or ethically correct, a direction opposite of left, or a legal entitlement or claim.

Under what circumstances would it be wrong to rely on research as a decision-making tool?

When you know that in the situation would be morally wrong. To go by what is right and what is ethically the right thing to do in the situation.

What does environmental ethics mean?

Environmental ethics is the evaluation of nature and the way it impacts society and culture and the rules and regulations governing these decisions.Doing what is ethically and morally right concerning other things that are not human.

Is palliative care right?

Palliative care to reduce suffering and improve quality of life in situations where there is no cure available is certainly appropriate, as would be palliative care in conjunction with curative treatment. Palliative care in lieu of curative treatment when such treatment is available would not be morally right.

Why would a man married 19 years have a one night stand with a slut?

Sometimes marriage partners get bored by sleeping with the same person again and again or it could be many other reasons.It's not ethically or morally right to do so.

Why would a woman after being deviorced and four children want to save herself sexually for her next husband?

because she feels it is ethically, morally and safety wise the right thing to do. Many feel that sex is best enjoyed in the bounds of a recognised union.

Who had the right to use native Americans as slaves?

Ethically and morally, no one did.Until laws were enacted to prohibit slavery anyone, with the power and resources to do so, could and did, enslave anyone they chose.Slavery has been a fact of life throughout history and it still exists TO THIS DAY

What does to do a great right do a little wrong mean?

Do an action which is morally and ethically condemnable at first glance. Subsequent event/s should show clearly that the initial action has resulted in highly desirable end result. It goes without saying that the end result is beneficial to the society.

Is there anything morally wrong and why is it wrong?

yes, there is. Some would argue that the taking of life (killing someone) is morally wrong. A counter-argument might be if in self-defence, the taking of a life might be morally right, since it preserves another's life. However, this does not contradict the point that the taking of a life is still morally wrong. Indeed, the taking of a life can be both morally right and morally wrong.

What does morally wrong mean?

The term morally wrong refers to an act of human behavior that is not accepted as right by society.

What does it means to act ethically?

To Act Ethically means, to act in the right manner. It includes right gestures, right dealing etc. Everyone must keep in mind the rights of others and only then acting ethically is possible, Ethics in business reflect the attitude that the Buisiness would keep in mind the general rights of the people. It will not violate the rights of anyone through its operations