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It depends on who the vet is, but it's usually around $50-$200.

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Q: Is it expensive to neuter a rabbit?
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Do you have to neuter or spay your rabbit and will it get aggressive when its older if you don't neuter or spay it?

Well I have a rabbit and its not spayed or neutered, and its a little bit aggressive. It growls whenever I try to take it out of the cage.

How can you get your rabbit to stop mating with his sister?

Spay and neuter both your bunnies.

How much does De sexing your female rabbit cost?

Do you mean spay/neuter your rabbit? you are not de-sexing them. It is cheaper to neuter males than to spay females. Cost is between $75.00 and $150.00 unless you can find a spay/neuter clinic going on somewhere.

How do you know when you have to get your rabbit neutered?

When your rabbit is at least 6 months old, you can neuter him so he will not mate. If you don't know the age of your rabbit, you can tell if he runs around your legs in circles making grunting noises. Also, he might nip your feet to get your attention.(My rabbit does this to me.... Yuck...>:D )

Can bunny's have artichokes?

Your rabbit will like raw artichokes but that seems to be awfully expensive rabbit food.

Why does your rabbit hump your knee?

Your rabbit probably humps your knee because of sexual hormones. If you neuter your rabbit, he probably won't do that anymore; however, if you have an older rabbit, his behaviours could already be ingrained. See the related link below for more details about neutering your rabbit.

What to do with a smelly rabbit?

A healthy rabbit in a clean habitat doesn't smell. Rabbits groom themselves. Unaltered rabbits smell stronger than altered rabbits because of the hormones they secrete and spray around the room. (This is only one of many good reasons to spay/neuter your rabbit.) Otherwise, if your rabbit smells, bring her to a rabbit-savvy vet as soon as possible because something is wrong.

Should you neuter your female rabbit?

Yes, you should neuter (also known as spay) your female rabbit. There is a very high incidence of ovarian cancer in young female rabbits. It's worth spaying your bunny just to avoid that. Another good reason to spay your rabbit is that it usually has a good effect on behaviour. Unspayed rabbits tend to be messier, more destructive, and more aggressive. Also, if you spay your bunny, it's much more likely that you'll be able to "bond" her with another rabbit. Rabbits are social animals, and they get lonely easily. If your rabbit doesn't have another rabbit friend, then your bunny's social needs are ALL on YOU - a big responsibility! In many areas, pet rabbits are overpopulated: shelters are overflowing, and many rabbits are put down (killed) because there's just no more room for them. Don't add to this problem by letting your bunny breed - so, that's one more reason why you should neuter your rabbit! See the related link below for details.

Is a palace common or neuter?


Is Lied in German masculine feminine or neuter?

The word "Lied" in German is neuter.

How much is neutering a dog?

It depends on where you live and the size of the dog. Small dogs are less expensive to neuter. Usually the price range is £100 to £150.

Is 60 dollars too much for a dwarf lop rabbit?

Yeah, that is way to expensive!