

Is it expensive to use gas?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is it expensive to use gas?
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Why do you use natural gas so much?

Because it is useful and convenient, and not too expensive.

Why was the automobile important to society?

It allowed people to get around quicker and not have to use horses to travel. But the use of gas was very expensive.

What is a bad reason to use natural gas?

The answer depends on where you live. If you live in a country that doesn't have any natural gas, it is expensive to import it, because it has to be liquified (which is expensive) and transported in cryogenic vessels (which are also expensive). The fact that it is the cleanest fossil fuel on the planet does not overcome the additional cost of transporting it. If you live in a country where natural gas is abundant, however, there are no good reasons not to make use of it.

Is the Jeep Liberty expensive on gas?

Yes! 15mpg = expensive

Is natural gas expensive or inexpensive?

natural gas is inexpensive it is renewable

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What are the pros and cons of a gas furnance?

Gas tends to be expensive in general, so depending on how much you will be running it will determine whether or not it is worth the cost. Do research, comparing gas furnaces versus other heating methods that use electricity.

Why don't they use natural gas in cars?

They do, but the fuel is more dangerous to handle and the infrastructure is more expensive than with regular gasoline cars.

How is natural gas different from gasoline?

it is differant because natural gas is more expensive

Is natural gas expensive?

natural gas is affordable and non -renewable and envirnment friendly

Over time, is it cheaper to operate a gas grill or a charcoal grill?

Charcoal and gas grills usually cost around the same in the long run. It is more expensive to buy a gas grill, but charcoal to use in a charcoal grill is much more expensive than gas to use in a gas grill.