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Yes, it is usually OK if you are both consenting adults. It's possible to get an STD, a sexually transmitted disease, but if you know the other person well you can make an informed decision. The HIV virus can be passed on, but only if you have bad teeth or gums, as the virus has to enter your bloodstream through a cut. If it all goes down to your stomach it's quite safe.

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9y ago
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3y ago
So it's ok for teens to s**k each other's d**k
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13y ago

yes you can swallow the whole sperm, I mean it is not toxic.

if what you want is to isolate each cell in that I believe you will require help!!

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8y ago

Yeah if you want to, but it may turn your partner on or off depending.

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13y ago

Of course they can just like women.

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11y ago

If you wish. That is your choice.

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Q: Is it good for a man to swallow another man sperm?
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Is it bad for a girl to swallow a guys sperm?

Im not to sure about swallowing it, but it definatly helps putting it on pimples. its anatural part of the mans body so it should be safe to swallow

Can a man get kill or get something by swallow his own sperm?

swallowing sperm is harm less

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Can Implanon or hormone based birth control method fail if you swallow sperm from a man taking anti epilepsy medicine?

probably not.

Can a woman get pregnant by a man an another mans sperm take over?

No. Once the sperm is in the egg no other sperm is allowed in.

What does it mean for a man to have strong sperm?

It refers to good motility; the sperm swim well.

Is it nice to swallow your own sperm?

Yeah thats perfectly man loves it:)

Can a man carry another man's sperm from one woman to another and can the latter woman get pregnant by this?

It is possible only in a group sex situation. Sperm die after 5 min outside the body. It is still very unlikely.

Can a man become pregnant if he swallows another man's sperm?

No, a man does not have the egg for which sperm fertilizes. Also sperm can only last a few seconds so if being swallowed would be highly unlikely to reach anywhere near where an egg would usually be.

Should a woman swallow sperm?

You mean, "Semen". Semen is the whitish, thickish fluid that carries the sperm cells (short for spermatazoa) out of a man's body. I have heard it said that semen is somewhat nutritional, but there can't be much taste to it, or the sperm could not live in it. Semen is completely harmless when swallowed.

Is swallowing woman's vaginal fluids good for man?

It's neither good or bad. Just like swallow semen for a woman.