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Q: Is it good to have chickenpox at a young age?
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At what age do you usually get chickenpox?

Most people get chickenpox when they are young, which is good. Although children can pull through chicken pox easily, if not uncomfortably, it is much more devastating to adults. Plus, once you have it as a kid, the cells go into remission in your body, your B cells produce antibodies for chickenpox, and there's a extremely high chance that you will never get chickenpox again. But you can get it at any age.

Is it possible to get chickenpox from some one who has shingles when you have only had shingles at a young age and not chickenpox?

First, you can't get shingles at any age unless you have previously had chickenpox. Although your chickenpox illness may have been so mild that you didn't notice, a diagnosis of shingles is proof that you had chickenpox. Second, only those who have never had chickenpox can get chickenpox from shingles. Third, shingles is only contagious through direct contact with wet lesions, and is not likely to be spread through casual contact.

What age and sex is affected by chickenpox?

People of any age and both genders can get chickenpox.

What happens if you get the chickenpox at a very old age?

Getting chickenpox as an adult has a higher risk of complications and death.

Is chickenpox dangerous to babies?

Depends how young the infant is....... it could be bad for super young infants

If you had chickenpox at age 7 What might prevent you from getting chickenpox a year later?

You cannot get chickenpox twice. Your body adapts to the virus and you no longer break out. You can, however, get shingles later in life from the chickenpox virus still in your body.

Is reading not good when you have chickenpox?

You may read if you have chickenpox. It will not increase any risks associated with the disease.

Are shingles caused by people not having childhood chickenpox?

According to my grandfather, if you have chickenpox, or have had chickenpox as a child, then you are prone to having shingles. If you are above the ago of 40 or 50, you have a good chance o getting it too. There are many other reasons to get shingles, I don't know them all. Submitted by: Rachel, age 11, Michigan

Where do they insert the needle for chickenpox vaccine?

Chickenpox vaccination is typically given in the deltoid or vastus lateralis. The choice usually depends on the age of the patient.

What good can a vaccine be if one has had chickenpox?

Chickenpox vaccine isn't needed if you've had chickenpox in the past. Shingles vaccine is recommended for patient 60 and over to prevent shingles.

What are some good websights for age 10?

it is a fantastc age! you not to young or to old

Why would you have no immunity to chickenpox when you had as a child?

A case of chickenpox in childhood normally confers lifelong immunity, regardless of the severity of the case. The cellular immunity that prevents chickenpox can decline with time due to age or from immunosuppression from medications or health conditions. But I wonder if you might be asking why a blood test for chickenpox antibodies would be negative if you had chickenpox as a child. There are two possible explanations. One is that the original diagnosis of chickenpox was wrong. The other is that you have a false negative test; this can happen sometimes even when you are still immune. In either case, a vaccine for chickenpox may be a good choice. Talk with your healthcare provider about what makes sense give your medical history.