

Is it hard for a person to separate from a sociopath?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is it hard for a person to separate from a sociopath?
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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

What do you call a person that is killed in a murder?

A sociopath.

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Apathy? Sociopath?

Person who dislikes company of others?

sociopath ---- Misanthrope.

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I am a diagnosed sociopath so I speak from my own experiences. We... we being sociopaths simply use people for our own gain and progression in life. Think of a predator hunting it's prey. If a sociopath is romantically involved with a sociopath it is likely to be shortlived since they will not have anything to offer. So really.... no. It's hard to describe and frankly if I were to meet another sociopath I would stay far away. Competition in my game... I don't need that.

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What did Lombroso call a person predisposed to crime?

Criminal sociopath.

What type of person is attracted to a sociopath?

Sincere and nobleminded men is attracted to sadistic sociopath homosexual monstors.Sadistic Sociopath = DNA Monstors(usually RH-), Mind Monstors(sadist) and Sex Monstors(homosexual).

What is antisocial personality?

It's a sociopath -- a person with no conscience who uses people.

How do you know if a sociopath is gay?

The only way to know is to ask the person.

Can a sociopath be a closeted gay person too?

Yes. Anyone can be closeted.