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Q: Is it hard for the body to digest rice and beans at the same time?
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How does it affect your body when you eat lot of raw rice soaked in water?

It affects your body when you eat rice with water because the rice will turn into a starchy substance that will be hard to digest. :-)

Is there glucose in rice?

There is in fact glucose in rice. However, it isn't immediately available in the rice itself. The body needs to digest the carbohydrate to convert it into sugar.

What is the English word for rice and beans?

"rice and beans" ARE the English words.

What is the main cash crop of Morocco?

beans and rice

What is the difference between raw rice and steamed rice?

Boiled rice is cooked in a vessel of boiling water & rice in it. Once cooked the water is rinsed out of the vessel. This process removes all the starch present in the rice. steamed rice is the one cooked in the pressure cooker.

What does Belize eat?

rice and beans,......or stew beans and rice. plantain Coke

When a 13 year old girl eats 3tablespoons of rice what will happen?

the rice will go into her digestion system and she will then digest it like any other kind of food that she would eat. then her body will use the rice's nutrients and after her body is done with it she will poop the remanding rice out.

What does the Spanish word gandulesmean in English?

gandules means beans. gandules are a specific type of beans put into rice together to make arroz con gandules, meaning rice with beans. unlike standard rice and beans which beans can either be served next to, on top of, or in the rice, arroz con gandules comes made with the beans specifically in the rice.

Why are beans nice?

beans are nice because they go good with rice and rice is nice

Wheat rice or beans not in cereal?


Does brown rice turn to sugar in your body?

Yes, Rice is made up of starch, a carbohydrate. The body breaks down carbohydrates into their base components SUGARS as part of the digestive process. The body then absorbs the sugars and uses them for energy. The only difference between brown and white rice is the presence of the husk on brown rice. This means it takes the body longer to digest than white rice.

What do you find a packet of?

A packet of rice. Rice and beans