

Best Answer

Online degree programs are similar as of the campus degree programs. All the basic requirements for studying are fulfilled equally by the online schools as of the campus schools. the online schools in US offer the top quality online education and offer a complete range of online degrees which are similar to the degrees offered by the campus schools. the online schools are similarly accredeted by the acreditation authorities as are the campus schools hence there is no major difference in the two. the quality of online education at online schools is considered to be better because of continuous monitoring and observation. to get complete details about Online Schools there exist multiple sites which are offering details of online schools, online degrees and the quality of online education offered in those degree programs

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Q: Is it hard to get a job with an accredited online degree?
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where can I get a accredited online degree?

Because you need to go to an accredited school in order to get a job, they are usually more expensive. An online degree tends to be cheaper.

What jobs can you get with an online master's degree?

An online degree which is earned from an accredited institute may lead to a successful career. I suggest you check out if the college and the course is accredited Masters degree is a supportive degree, which leads you to higher positions. An online degree from a well reputed and accredited institute may provide a better career. What job you can get with an online masters degree really depends on what the degree is in. There are a lot of online master of education degrees, so with that you could (if you had a teaching certificate to go with it) get a job teaching. If the online masters degree is from an accredited college or university, you may be able to get a job that a traditional masters degree would get.

Can I get a job with an online accounting degree?

You need to see if your degree is from an accredited program. As long as the degree meets this standard it should be equivalent to any degree obtained in a traditional program.

Will I be able to get a good job with an online accounting degree?

So long as your accounting degree is from an accredited school you should be able to get any job that anyone else with an accounting degree could get (depending on experience). The degree is the same regardless of whether it's acquired online or on campus.

Do employers acknowledge belford university degrees?

Employers acknowledge accredited college degrees. Belford is an accredited online college. However a college degree alone is not the guarantee of getting a job, most employers seek experienced and skilled person for the job.

Can you get a job with a online degree?

Online degrees are similar to the campus based degrees. It has the similar criterion and basics as of the Campus degree programs. Accredited online schools are equally credible as the accredited Campus schools. the same Online degrees and better Quality of online education are offered at online schools as compared to the campus schools. Thus they have a better chances to be preferred over the campus schools by the employers.

What kind of job can you get with an online master's degree?

There are several different types of online masters degrees. You can get degrees in business or in nursing for example. It is important to make sure the school is regionally accredited so that employers will take the degree seriously.

Is a construction management degree a good way to increase earnings in this field?

Yes it is. You can earn your degree online at your own pace. You can take the courses at night and still have you day job where you can earn income and still get your degree. You need to make sure the online school you pick is accredited

Will it affect my job search if I don't earn a degree from an Accredited Degree program?

It does make a difference. An Accredited Degree verifies that the quality of the education and meets the standards of the profession. It increases employment opportunities.

How do I get a online degree in civil engineering?

There are a number of accredited online universities and colleges, which are offering civil engineering degree online. All the online universities and colleges have set up the course plan in such a way that the online students of civil engineering degree programs will find it convenient and flexible to complete their education along with their job routine. To get the most authentic information about all such colleges and universities offering this degree program.

What kind of degree is required to get an engineering job?

To get an engineering job, a person should have a four year bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university that has an engineering school.

Is must university is considered as accriditted one?

I did a diploma program from Must university and got promotion at my job. It is considered accredited by my employer. I looked up their accreditation and recognition information before joining the program. It is an accredited online university. I studied for the diploma there but it is also accredited to offer degree programs.