

Is it hard to learn Arabic?

Updated: 4/26/2024
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11y ago

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Opinion 1

Yes. I mean I'm Arabic and find it a hard language because of pronunciation and the grammar is so hard to learn, too. I am still not good at it. It's better to learn it from childhood but if you want to learn then it won't be so hard. Just don't expect to learn it in a month!

Opinion 2

I have been learning Arabic for five months now, and yes it is hard , like any new foreign language any one will start with. But there is a lot of people who are fluent in Arabic and they didn't learn from the beginning of their life. In six months you can be good, and grammar is difficult in all languages. You can start with the alphabet and everything will go smoothly if you just focus. You can also visit some website. You can find a link to one of them in the Related Links. This is the site where you can learn Arabic online and live through video interactive classes with native Arabic teachers who are available in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, any time you like. You should try it, they have three days free trial.

Opinion 3

I'm just went to telling you like i' learn English you can learn Arabic is rigt Arabic is the most hard languege in the world

Opinion 4

The difficulty of learning a language is based on two general criteria.

1) Inherent Difficulty of the Language: This is how complex the grammar, spelling, diction, and language composition are. (Japanese is much more grammatically simple than Russian, for example since it does not have cases, genders, or compound tenses.)

2) Distance from Languages known: This is how similar or different the words and grammar of the target language are from the speaker's native or previously acquire languages. (It is easier to learn Hebrew if your native language is Arabic than if it is German all else equal because Hebrew shares quite a bit of vocabulary and grammar with Arabic and almost none with German.)

As concerns Arabic: 1) Grammar is very complex, there are declensions, verb conjugations and moods for over 13 different personages, the relationship between roots and word-paradigms, and numerous other issues. In the case of numbers, even fluent Arabic speakers will revert to their native dialects or to foreign languages to avoid the complexity. However, these combinations are consistent and can be learned almost mathematically. 2) Considering that you already speak English (assumed since you submitted this question in English) and no other language can be assumed, Arabic will also be a challenge as concerns vocabulary. Unlike many languages that adopted numerous English words because of modernity, Arabic has merely re-purposed old words and roots to create words like haatef (هاتف) for telephone or qetaar (قطار) for train. Additionally, as you may have noticed, Arabic has its own alphabet which does not represent all vowels (haatef was written hatf and qetaar was written qtar) and has sounds lacking in English such as the "q" or "t" in qetaar which are harder that the "k" and "t" sounds in English.

Therefore, all else being equal Arabic should be one of the more difficult languages for you to learn.

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2d ago

Learning Arabic can be challenging for non-native speakers due to its unique alphabet, grammar, and pronunciation. However, with dedication, practice, and immersion in the language and culture, it is very possible to learn Arabic effectively. Like any language, consistency and patience are key in mastering Arabic.

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By studying in Arabic universities, you will be able to connect with Arabic people, and learn the language by living with them. If this is not possible, just register to one of Arabic courses in your country.

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By studying in Arabic universities, you will be able to connect with Arabic people, and learn the language by living with them. If this is not possible, just register to one of Arabic courses in your country.

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