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Q: Is it hot in august in the southern hemisphere?
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Which three months have the longest hours of sunlight in the southern hemisphere?

The southern hemisphere has the opposite seasonal range to the northern hemisphere. Therefore they have Christmas when it is hot and their winter months would be June July and August.

What is the largest hot desert in the southern hemisphere?

The Kalahari Desert is the largest hot desert in the southern hemisphere.

Is the season in the hemisphere hot or cold?

it depends on the hemisphere and what season. example: Northern hemisphere-(summer in the Southern) winter cold, Southern hemisphere-(winter in the Northern) summer hot

If you live in the southern hemishpere what season do you have in August?

The Southern Hemisphere you'll have in August is Summer

Is it too cold or hot during 11 to 18 August?

That would depend upon where in the world you live. August is summer in the northern hemisphere but winter in the southern.

What season is in august in the southern hemisphere?


What is a August?

August is a month of the year, late summer in the northern hemisphere, late winter in the southern hemisphere.

What countries are hot in Feb?

Countries south of the Equator. When its hot in July in the Northern Hemisphere, its winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The reverse is also true - when it is a chilly February in the Northern Hemisphere, it is warm summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Is August winter or summer?

Depends on which hemisphere you're on. For the Northern hemisphere, August is (end of) summer, for the Southern it's winter.

Why is the first day of spring September 1st in the southern hemisphere?

Because the 31st of August is the last day of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the difference in summer of northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere?

Summer in the northern hemisphere encompasses the months of June, July and August. In the southern hemisphere, summer takes place in December, January and February.

How hot is it in the hot desert in January?

The answer depends on the location of the desert. In the northern hemisphere January is in the winter. In the southern hemisphere it is summer. There are hot deserts in both.