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Q: Is it hot or cold when water evaporates?
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What happens to cold water on a hot day?

It evaporates. No matter if the water is cold, frozen, or even hot it evaporates.

Why does hot water evaperate faster then cold water?

Because water evaporates from heat energy which hot water has more of.

Why water evaporates quicker on a hot day than a cold day?

Hot water need less energy to be evaporated than cold water.

What experiment could see if hot water evaporates faster than cold water?

Hot water need less energy to be evaporated than cold water.

Why does water not form on the outside of a cup when you have a hot drink?

Hot cup evaporates water while cold water condenses water .

Does laundry dry better outside when it is cold?

no because the air freezes the water when its cold but if its sunny and hot it evaporates the water

Why is it that when you take shower with hot water you feel cold?

Water absorbs heat from its surrounding as it evaporates.

Why do you feel cold after hot water bath?

The hot water on your skin opens your pores, and makes you sweat. The sweat evaporates, taking body heat away - making you feel cold. When your body is cold - you shiver.

Why water evaporates on a hot day quicker than a cold day?

The rate of evaporation depends on the temperature.

Why do you feel cold after taking hot water bath?

The hot water on your skin opens your pores, and makes you sweat. The sweat evaporates, taking body heat away - making you feel cold. When your body is cold - you shiver.

Which ice tray freezes quicker the hot water tray of the cold water tray?

The hot water tray because some of the water evaporates, and it takes less time to freeze.

What happens if the water is to hot?

when water is too hot then it evaporates