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Age of consent is 17 in Ireland incl north and it is the adult comitting the crime of statutory rape.

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Q: Is it illegal for a 16 year old girl to have intercourse with a 21 old male in northern Ireland?
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That's called bestiality and is illegal in every country.

How many Girl Guides are there in Northern Ireland?

According to the Girlguiding Ulster web site, there are over 11,500 members all across Northern Ireland.

What is the most popular girl's name in Northern Ireland?

it would be Amy

Is it against the law for a 17 year old boy to date a 14 year old girl?

it isn't illegal to date, but it is illegal to have sexual intercourse.

Is it legal for a 18 year old boy to date a 14 year old girl?

yes it is but it woulf be illegal if you had intercourse.

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It is legal, but in most places it will be illegal to have intercourse with this person. So be careful, because they will eventually want to go further with you.

Is it illegal for a 16 year old girl to date and kiss a 23 year old man if they don't have any type of intercourse in the state of Alaska?


Is it illegal for an underage girl who is sixteen years old to date a twenty year old girl in Massachusetts?

yes its bad but if you lived in Canada like me you could though It is not illegal to date but there are differing limitations for sexual intercourse in all states, check the local statutes on this.

I have a girl Cuz that is a year older than me i am a boy and i want to see her naked and have sex with her is this right how should i ask her?

No this is not right, and is illegal. Having sexual intercourse with any of your family members is illegal. I do not advise you asking her.

Does Ireland have Girl Scouts?

Ireland has Girl Guides which is the same as Girl Scouts. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are two Girl Guide organizations in Ireland: The Irish Girl Guides (IGG) and Catholic Guides of Ireland (CGI).

Where can a 16 year old girl get a job in Northern Ireland?

Anywhere, really, as long as it's not ivolving alcohol handling.

If a girl is 15 and pregnant and the boyfriend is 18 can he get done by the police in the UK?

yes he could as it is illegal for an adult (over 16) to have intercourse with a child (under 16)