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no, i dont know why it would be illegal

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Q: Is it illegal for a girl to dress up as 80s boy george in nz?
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Cana girl dress up as boy george in a 80s party why is it illegal?

it was disrespect

Can a girl dress up as the 80s boy george for fun?

Sure, why not?

Do you have to be a boy to dress up as the 80s boy george?

no, I'm a girl and i dress up as him all the time

Is dressing up as the 80s boy george illegel for a girl in nz?

no, i dont know why it would be illegal

Can a girl dress up as boy george in a 80s party?

A girl can dress up as a boy george ONLY if you where the correct clothes and the correct hair-do and if you wear MAKE UP! Girls I know you have a make up where ever you go so ...

Do you have to be a man to dress up as the 80s boy george?

not really ...... no

Can a girl impersonte boy george on stage for fun not for faud and can she dress up as him for fun in a 80s party?

Yes she can. As long as she isn't really impersonating the person.

Why cant a girl be better at 80s boy george impersontions?

She could be. It would depend on the girl.

Can a girl dress up as the 80s boy george in a 80s fancy dress party?

Sure, in fact, it might look cute. Aside from music and shock value, Boy George's carefully chosen attire was all about blurring the lines of sexual identity. Although for biological reasons built into us for the preservation of the race, most of us will always want to determine the other's sexual identity, there are still good reasons why sexual identity should not be the defining element. So, perhaps the question is this, can you be you with a blurring of your sexual identity? If so, go for it.

Can a girl become a 80s boy george impersontor on stage?

of course she can, providing she gets the costumes and the make up right.

Can a girl dress up as the 80s boy george?

This question has been asked and answered previously. Boy George's image, music and individualized style is, without a doubt, legally protected. You cannot dress, appear, or perform as he would - or do any kind of commercial (i.e.: for profit) work or appearance while appearing as him. The only exception might be if you were dressed in some kind of makeshift costume (as for Halloween, for instance).

What band was George Michael in?

He was in the band WHAM! in the 80s.