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Q: Is it illegal to carry sword in Montana?
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Are sword sticks illegal under Scottish Law?

It is legal to own an antique swordstick but not a modern one. It is illegal to carry any swordstick in public.

Is it illegal to carry a 3 foot long sword if the blade was sharp?

Yes, it was and still is considered a weapon! You could end up in jail if you carry it with you!

Are silencers illegal in Montana?

yes silencers are illegal in montana

Is it illegal to carry a Kubotan in Montana?

No. It is not illegal to carry a kubotan in the U.S but the few exceptions are when you are going to the airport and they check your bags! And where metal items on you are not accepted like at pro sports games and circus in arenas or centers.

Is Thermite Illegal in Montana?

It is ilegal

Is it illegal to carry a knife as a minor in Colorado?

No, it is not legal to carry a sword in the state of Colorado. In this state it is not legal to carry a blade longer than 3 inches.

Is it illegal to carry a wooden sword in England?

The illegality of whether carrying a wooden sword is legal or not always comes down to intent. I can legally play baseball or cricket with a wooden bat, but if I decided to go out at night and visit someone with the same bat it could be construed as intentionally carrying an offensive weapon, because I am not looking to play cricket at night. Anything can be used as an offensive weapon, the law is about intent. Carrying a wooden sword is not illegal, it is what you intend to do with that sword.

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What weapon does a mouseketeer carry?

a sword