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Q: Is it illegal to hunt with dogs?
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No, but it is illegal to hunt them with dogs.

Can you still hunt foxes in England?

Hunting with dogs is now illegal. They can still be shot or trapped humanely.

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yes it is illegal to hunt mountain gorilla's they are endangered

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do not hunt them it is illegal to

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Because they are living creatures is it illegal to hunt humans? YES therefore why should it be legal o hunt boars

What kinds of dogs hunt?

begels like to hunt

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It is illegal to hunt with a bazooka.

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Typically, no.

How does dogs hunt?

It really depends on what kind of dog it is, also how it's trained. You can train dogs to hunt, but they will not do it automatically.

Is it illegal to hunt koalas in all countries?

Koalas are found only in Australia. The koala is protected by law in Australia, and yes, it is illegal to hunt it.

Is it illegal to hunt celebes crested macaque?

It is illegal to hunt any non-human primate anywhere in the world, weather that primate is endangered or not.