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No aslong as you have from egg form

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Q: Is it illegal to kill a condor egg?
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Related questions

Does Condors lay eggs?

yup the condor does lay an egg well, atleast what i know is that a californian condor does

Is it illegal to kill a monk?

It is illegal to kill anyone.

What can kill the condor?

Humans and thats 100% true Done by Liam Morgan

Is it illegal to kill robins?

Yes it is illegal to kill songbirds

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It is illegal to kill anyone innecont

California condor life cycle?

The California condor can live to be over 50 years old. They are able to reproduce when they are 6 years old and lay one egg per year.

What is the song El Condor Pasa about?

The song El Condor Pasa, the original, not Simon and Garfunkel's version, is about a condor. The title means "The flight og the Condor". The music indicates wings going up and down, flying. When the music changes, sounding a bit more dramatic it is the sound of someone trying to hunt and kill the condor. The music is now more rapid, as the condor flees and escapes the hunters.

When does the California condor have her babies?

The California condors egg will hatch, after approximately 50 to 60 days of incubation.

Why is it illegal to kill the president?

It is illegal to kill anyone unless it is for self defense.

Is it illegal to kill spiders?

it is only illegal if you didn't kill it in self defence

How many babies can California condors have?

A California condor has a single chick, every other year, between February and March. However if the chick is lost, they will lay another single egg.

What do Andean Condor eat?

Andean Condors eat dead animals as they do not kill animals. They are a carnivore.