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Q: Is it illegal to let off fireworks after guy Fawkes?
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Tonight is new year will fireworks go off?

Yes, as alot of people like to let them off as part of their celebration.

Is it legal to let off fireworks in your own garden on bonfire night?

As long as you have a license and you live within city limits.

How do you draw fireworks using keyboard?

Keyboard shortcuts are the keys that you press to invoke commands and access tools. Fireworks lets you customize the keyboard shortcuts so that the command you use in one program is the same as the one you use in another. Fireworks ships with different shortcut sets that let you easily switch to your favorite keyboard commands.

How are fireworks dangerous?

Fireworks are dangerous for the fact that people have lost sight, fingers, and i am not sure but i belive hands and feet because of unsafe firework useage. so the answer is yes they are dangerous if they are used for the wrong perpose and used in the wrong way.

Should fireworks be banned?

Fireworks Should Not be Banned While dangerous if in the wrong hands, fireworks are still safer than many other things we all use in our daily lives and, therefore, should not be banned. According to, in children 5-14 years of age only nine out of every 100,000 emergency room treatments are caused by fireworks. Even pens and pencils cause more injuries coming in at 35 out of every 100,000. One of the arguments in favor of the ban on fireworks is that they are frightening to domestic animals. Cenydd Phillips, a member of even says, "I have dogs and cats which are being perpetually terrorized and terrified by a constant flow of fireworks all year long in the area." If people truly care about their pets, they would do research on the internet on how to spare their pets the torment that they, themselves, are putting them through by not taking care of them properly. If they were to do a quick browse of the internet they would find multiple articles on how to keep their pets calm when the skies light up at night. Issues specialist with the United States Humane Society Nancy Peterson urges, "With a little bit of planning and forethought, you can enjoy the excitement of the Fourth of July and know that your animal companion is safe, sound, and enjoying a little peace and quiet." The site then lists some ways to make your pets more comfortable during the Fourth of July People that support the ban say that fireworks are overly dangerous and people are getting hurt left and right. That simply is not true. Most injuries caused by "fireworks" were not caused by fireworks at all. They were caused by homemade illegal explosives such as M-80's or silver salutes. That is what gives fireworks a bad image and they are a major reason why people are pushing for a ban of legal fireworks, because they don't know the difference between legal fireworks and illegal explosives. Ymton Emanlear sums it up nicely, saying that "M-80's are not consumer fireworks, and haven't been legal for several decades in the United States. Any M-80's that are sold in the United States are totally illegal (unless sold between licensed manufacture and licensed pyrotechnician) and the maker risks serious hard time in a federal prison. M-80's have no legitimate relation to consumer fireworks, and their illegal manufacture, sale, and use should have no relation to the manufacture, sale, and use of legal fireworks." M-80's and silver salutes are typically filled with three to four grams of flash powder, about 60 times the legal limit and are very dangerous. In fact, they are so dangerous the military originally used them to simulate gunfire and grenades going off in training missions because they had the same sound effects and potential for destruction. Possession of one of those devices is already a felony so there is no reason to push for a ban of them. Why don't we just punish the people who build these illegal explosives instead of punishing everyone who enjoy fireworks and abide by the law by taking them away? For some people fireworks aren't just something that you shoot on Independence Day, it's a hobby. People spend hours upon hours of their lives trying to put on the perfect fireworks display. It's a way of life for these people. People like that are very safe because they know what they are doing. They are smart because they study the art and science of pyrotechnics. They have done their research and they wouldn't do something that isn't safe. If you were to completely ban fireworks you would be taking away these people's way of life. Some of them even make a career out of this. How do you think that demolition experts get their start? They start out with an interest in consumer fireworks. What about those professional displays? Do you think that people just go out and start shooting the big ones? No, they start out by making a display in their backyards. They then take that interest and pursue it as a career. So without consumer fireworks you would not have the public displays that have become a staple of the holiday. If firearms are legal, why shouldn't fireworks be legal as well? Fireworks cause far fewer deaths per year than firearms. On average, 38,500 deaths per year in the United States are firearm related, whereas in 2002 there were only 8,800 firework related injuries and only four firework related deaths. In addition, firearm injuries are more costly to the public than fireworks. According to the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center the direct cost of medical treatment and emergency services due to firearms was $3 billion dollars in 1992 while the cost of medical treatments from firework injuries was only $100 million. Consumer fireworks that are sold in stores not dangerous if used properly. The problem is many people don't use them properly. We should all know by now that we should not hand a three year old a bamboo stick coated in chemicals that burn at up to 1,800 degrees, but every year 650 children under the age of five are injured from sparklers. That isn't the sparklers fault. That's the parents' fault for being irresponsible. A little knowledge can go a long way. We need to broadcast public service announcements on T.V. for the few weeks before fireworks go on sale. That would definitely help but it may not be enough. Another option would to make it so you have to complete a firework safety course to purchase fireworks. It could be like a hunter safety class where they teach you how to use all the various types of fireworks correctly and show you what can happen if you choose not to. When you complete the class they will give you a consumer fireworks certificate that you must present to the cashier of a fireworks stand prior to making your purchase. Not only will that inform people on how to use them safely, it will also prevent some people from using them, thereby cutting down the number of injuries they inflict. It would also eliminate some of the noise that scares the animals. I hope you now realize that fireworks aren't to blame. The blame should be put on all of the ignorant people who gave fireworks its image of being dangerous. There are ways to keep fireworks out of the hands of these people and I have given you a few ideas on how to do that. Now all we need to do is take action and let our ideas be heard. I cannot do that by myself. I need your help to keep fireworks legal. This is an important matter and should all be concerned about it. We should write to our state senators and state representatives and tell them how we feel about this issue. We need to tell them that we want to keep our fireworks and if we don't get to, we won't vote them back into office. Surely that will get their attention.

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The whole poem goes:Remember, remember, the 5th of NovemberThe Gunpowder Treason and plot ;I know of no reason why Gunpowder TreasonShould ever be forgot.Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,'Twas his intent.To blow up the King and the Parliament.Three score barrels of powder below.Poor old England to overthrow.By God's providence he was catch'd,With a dark lantern and burning matchHolloa boys, Holloa boys, let the bells ringHolloa boys, Holloa boys, God save the King!Hip hip Hoorah !Hip hip Hoorah !A penny loaf to feed ol'Pope,A farthing cheese to choke him.A pint of beer to rinse it down,A f****t of sticks to burn him.Burn him in a tub of tar,'Burn him like a blazing star.Burn his body from his head,Then we'll say: ol'Pope is dead.But most people just stick with the first verse.

When and why is Guy Fawkes night?

Guy Fawkes night is the fifth of November. It is celebrated every year in England, where it is often called Bonfire night. Bonfires are lit in many people's gardens and fireworks are let off. There also many public or communal displays, some organised by a few streets getting together, with a bonfire about the size of a small house, and others put on by the town or city; these last usually don't have bonfires but have large firework displays. The reason for this is to celebrate the foiling, in 1605, of the famous "Gunpowder Plot". This was an attempt to destroy, by means of many large barrels of gunpowder, the houses of parliament in London. The bang was timed for the State Opening of Parliament, with the intention of murdering the Monarch, the nobility and all the members of the House of Commons. The plotters intended the explosion to be followed by a prompt coup d'etat which would replace the Protestant monarchy and parliament that the the majority of English people wanted by an imposed Roman Catholic regime. The chief plotter, captured with just hours to spare, was Guy Fawkes, and to this day almost every bonfire burns an effigy of him. These effigies are always home made, most often by children, and called guys.