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In the United States it's also illegal to sell Cuban cigars to someone over 18 years old.

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Q: Is it illegal to sell Cuban cigars to someone under 18 years old?
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Can you bring Cuban cigars into the US if you're under 18?

I'm actually not sure if it's against federal law for a minor to import tobacco for personal use, but in most states, it is illegal for a minor to even possess tobacco products, meaning they could be confiscated and you could face criminal penalties including a fine for doing so.Cuban cigars add another complication to the mix, because up until a couple of years ago it was forbidden for a US citizen to import Cuban cigars at all. There is now a limited exception to this and a traveler can import a small quantity of Cuban cigars for personal use under certain circumstances.

Can you bring Cuban cigars into the us from Canada?

No, nor can you travel to Cuba unless you are on military or humanitarian missions.

What are Cuban cigars made of?

Cuban cigars are not, currently, actually considered "the best". While Cuban cigars were once considered among the best in the world, the industry was decimated during Castro's revolution. Large sectors of the economy, including the profitable cigar manufacture sector, were nationalized (i.e., seized and taken over) by the Cuban government under Castro. This led to two things: 1) The majority of the successful and wealthy cigar manufacturers, farmers and owners left Cuba entirely, taking their decades of experience with them. 2) The new government-run companies and farms became staffed and run by generally inexperienced newcomers. Today, the vast majority of cigar afficionados consider Cuban cigars to be of relatively inferior quality, bolstered only by "name recognition" and the general, if incorrect, assumption that "Cubans" are the best. The original, experienced families and farmers that made the Cuban industry famous have long since relocated to places like Honduras and the Dominican Republic, where the vast majority of the "best" cigars now originate. Almost all major brands such as Punch, Five Vegas, Macanudo, Ashton, Arturo Fuente, Romeo y Julieta and even Cohiba (which originally was Cuban and is still sold there by the government) originate from the above countries, and not from Cuba. The concept of a "Cuban Cigar" as being the best is an outdated, and in most cigar-fan's opinion, completely eroneous concept. With that said, some Cuban cigars that are closely associated to the pride of the Cuban cigar industry are still top notch, i.e. R&J Churhills, Cohiba etc.

Is it illegal for a someone under age 16 to start a car?

No, it is not illegal to start a car but drive a car is illegal.

Is Sparks Energy drink illegal for someone under 21?

Yes, Sparks is an alcoholic beverage and is illegal for anyone under 21.

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Is paying someone under the table to houseclean illegal and or immoral?

Definitely illegal and probably a little immoral.

IS it illegal to date someone over eighteen if you are under eighteen?

No, but in most states it is technically illegal to have sex.

Is it illegal to finger someone Under age?

Sexual contact may very well be illegal. Consult the laws for the place where you live.

What is illegal relationship?

Anyone and an immediate relativeAnyone and an animalAnyone and someone under the age of majority

Is it illegal for an 18 year-old to date a minor in Pennsylvania?

No, it's not illegal to date. It's illegal to have sex with someone under 18. But if you don't do that then your not breaking the law

Under western Australian law is it illegal for someone to be naked in their own home and for someone outside of the home see them nakedcan they be charged if so what are the charges?

It is not illegal to be nude in your own home. It would be illegal to go out in public nude.