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There are too many birds that could be considered buzzards (several hawks, vultures) to answer this question. Call the Parks and Wildlife Department in Texas and ask them.

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Q: Is it illegal to shoot buzzards in Texas?
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Is it against the law to shoot buzzards in Tennessee?

Yes, it is against the law to shoot buzzards in Tennessee. Buzzards are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which makes it illegal to hunt, kill, or harm them without the necessary permits. Penalties for violating this law can include fines and imprisonment.

How do you get rid of the cow killing buzzards?

Cow Buzzards The vultures you have been seeing are black vulture, they will attend to eat cows, and any cattle herd. The best way to kill the vultures, is to shoot them, only shoot them if there is a good reason to shoot them or be tooken to jail by illegal Bird Killing. But who gives a crap, just shoot near them or shoot em' !!

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depends on the reason why. if it was going to attack you, no.

Is it legal to shoot buzzards in the state of Indiana?

Depends on how much money that Buzzard stole from you

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Turkey and Black Vultures are protected by Federal and State laws. Shooting them is illegal.

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No it is not

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No. But where you shoot it, what you shoot it at, or where the projectile goes can be.

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no it,s not illegal only if you ride the bunny and shoot the croc.

Are white crested elienia illegal to shoot in Texas?

No, unless you don't have a hunting license, are under aged, or have been in jail within the past 5 years.

Can you eat buzzards?

There are two different kinds of birds that are called buzzards. If you are in North America, a buzzard is one of several species of vulture. It is illegal to hunt or possess native raptors in the United States, so it would definitely be illegal to eat one. If you are in the United Kingdom or Ireland, a buzzard is a kind of hawk. It may also be illegal to hunt or possess birds of prey in the UK or Ireland.