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Yes. It's illegal to drink alcohol as well.

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Q: Is it illegal to smoke synthetic marijuana while on parole?
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Is it legal to smoke pot on 420?

No. Where Marijuana is illegal, it is illegal 365 days of the year.

How old do you have to be to smoke marijuana in Canada?

There is no age limit on illegal activity.

Is it illegal for minors to possess and smoke weed in Oregon?

It is illegal for a person of any age to smoke or possess marijuana in the US unless it is prescribed to them.

Is it legal to smoke in state parks or beaches?

Yes, it illegal to smoke weed/marijuana in a public park.

Can you smoke pot when you are on parole?

It probably depends most on your parole officer. Though no surveys have been taken, many parolees in California report that their parole officers are sympathetic to the use of medical marijuana.

How do you use marijuana?

well , your not really supposed to use it but you can smoke it out of a pipe or bong or smoke a joint. it is illegal though.

Is it legal to smoke marijuana in Jamaica?

No, it is illegal, but it's widely tolerated. And we already have our very own Jamaican Marijuana Community Forum.

Are marijuana seeds considered paraphernalia?

No, but it is still considered illegal under a different law. Paraphernalia would be an instrument used to smoke marijuana.

Does a seven panel drug test test for synthetic marijuana?

no they do not and i no because i smoke it and just had a drug test last week

Is it illegal to smoke mariquana or weed?

Marijuana and weed are the same thing. And almost everybody knows that is is illegal to be in possession of marijuana without a medical permit, which can only be approved in 15 different states and D.C.

Can you smoke marijuana if you have a gum infection?

No it will make your infection worse, and besides it is illegal you know, or (at least I hope)

When does a person decide to smoke marijuana?

A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.