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English is a mandatory learning subject in China, and most of China's future economy will be based on foreigners who speaks the international language, English.

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Q: Is it important for Chinese kids to go to the English class?
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Related questions

Is English taught in most Chinese schools?

Yes, English is taught in most Chinese schools. Sometimes, the kids only learn English when they enter high school. Unlike us, they only learn quite little since their teachers are not as good at saying English. We have Spanish and French teachers that often speak fluent French or Spanish in their house. This is probably Chinese kids that come from Asia might not speak English that clearly.

What games did Chinese kids play?

Chinese checkers

How do Chinese kids get to school?

They fly their pet unicorns. But most Chinese kids prefer Dragons as pets.

What are some affordable Chinese books for your daughter?

Regarding the situation you mentioned about your kids, I think Chinese Made Easier recommended by English Answer1 isnot fit for your kid, because it is for adults. To kids, there is customized Chinese material for them. An example is 《快乐儿童汉语kuàilè értónɡ hànyǔ》Fun Chinese for kids, which is very interesting with many beautiful pictures and songs.

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Why are kids in America learning Chinese?

Learning Chinese has become popular in America due to China's growing influence in the global economy, as well as the increasing importance of Chinese as a key language for international business. Many believe that knowing Chinese can provide a competitive edge in the job market and open up opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding. Additionally, learning Chinese can enhance cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities.

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They made animals like dragons to scare chinese off in war

Do Chinese kids have technology?

Yes, They do!

Is moshi monsters Chinese?

no it is not it isn't it is made for all kids not just Chinese kids if you like it and you think it is don't let that stop you

Should kids learn Chinese or English first?

The best way is to learn both Chinese and English, as Chinese is very popular now and may become an international language in the future. It is useful for one's career, especially if he will do some job related to Chinese. Of course, English is always hot, but nowadays, many people can speak English, so it is never treated as a big advantage. At the same time, in school, almost every student learns English, so if you want to expand the knowledge of your kid, learning Chinese is a good choice. Answer from Jennifer Zhu, Professional Chinese Teacher from eChineseLearning Live Teachers from China!

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A L.D is class is a learning diabalaty class

Did Jackie Chan teach kids Chinese?
