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That would depend on state licensing laws. Without much more specific information, we cannot answer more accurately.

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Q: Is it legal for a Bipolar Manic Depressive to become a licensed Nurse?
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What is bipolar I?

Bipolar I disorder is characterized by manic episodes, the "high" of the manic-depressive cycle.

What was the older name for Bipolar Disorder?

It used to be called Manic-Depressive Illness.

What are some other names for bipolar affective disease?

Other names for bipolar affective disease include manic-depressive disorder, cyclothymia, manic-depressive illness (MDI), and bipolar disorder.

Can you have manic depression with borderline bipolar disorder?

Yes, I have both. Diagnosed in 2008 as being manic depressive and boderline bipolar.

Manic depressive illness is also known as?

Bipolar disorder

What is Manic depressive disorder also called?

Bipolar disorder

What are the effects of bipolar disorder?

Mood swings- Manic and Depressive

The difference between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder is?

the number of depressive and manic episodes.

What is depressive syndrome?

Manic depressive disorder, also known as bipolar, is a disorder where the individual alternates between states of manic behavior and being depressed.

What are the poles in bipolar disorder?

Manic and Depressive. Manic is extreme happiness or hyperness while depressive is well.. depression. Bipolar is like a meter there are highs, lows, and middle. For Bipolar Disorder the high would be Manic Phase, the Low would be Depression Phase and the middle would be Neutral

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No, Jim Carrey is a manic-depressive (bipolar disorder).

What is another name for manic depression illness?

Manic depression, or manic depressive disorder is nowadays more commonly known as Bipolar disorder or Bipolar affective disorder. It can also be referred to as Hypomania due to public unawareness.