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There is nothing illegal about dating no matter what the ages are.

The only things that can be illegal are sexual actions that include touching and,or penetration. As long as nothing like that happens, your completely legal. In certain US states, with full parental consent, even sex is legal.

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14y ago
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10y ago

im pretty sure as you are within 4 years of each other it is leagal. due to the whole high school freshman senior thing.
Well it would depend on what state you live in. Some states say both parties must be at least 18. Some states are 16, while I believe some are even 14. There are other states where the male and female age of consent is different. I know that in two states the age of consent is as high as 21. You will have to look up the laws for your particular state.

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12y ago

There are no laws against dating and if the parents are fine with it there may be no problems.

Keep in mind, however, that the parents need not be the reporting party; anyone can report sexual contact, or make an unfounded allegation.

Be further aware that such a charge is the only in the US and all fifty states that by statute puts the burden of proof on the accused, in this case, the eighteen year old.

Be still aware that once an allegation is made, not only are you guilty until proven innocent, but your are 90%+ likely to be convicted. Charges of crimes with a sexual component have the highest rate of conviction than any other class of crime, exceeding the next highest (drug charges) by about thirty percent.

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15y ago

Of course it's legal! or at least i think so...

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14y ago

It is asking for trouble. In most places there are no laws about it, but the parents could make claims to the police and make life miserable for the older one.

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Q: Is it illegal for an 18 year old to date a 15 year old if there is not only no sexual involvement but the parents are ok with the dating?
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Can a fourteen year old date a nineteen year old with parental consent?

There are no laws about dating. However, sexual contact would be illegal and parents cannot consent to illegal activity.

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Dating as in hanging out is legal as long as her parents agree to it but anything sexual, like kissing, is illegal until she is 18.

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None. It's the sex that is illegal not the dating unless the parents told you to stay away.

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Dating is not illegal as long as the minors parents agree to it but sexual contact is out of the question until the minor have reached age of consent in your state.

Can a male nineteen and a female fourteen date with the consent of parents in the state of Arkansas?

While there are no laws about dating, there are laws about sexual contact. And they cannot allow you to do something that is illegal.

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There are no laws about dating. Sexual contact is a different thing, and even parents can not consent to illegal activity.

Is it illegal for a 15-year-old to be dating a 19-year-old in Mexico?

no country has an age for "dating" so its not illegal as long as there is no sexual activities.

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Dating anyone of any age is perfectly fine, as long as your okay with it. When is comes to sexual activities though, for an adult and a minor to participate in sex with each other is illegal, so keep it non-sexual.

Can a 16 years old dating a 26 year old in Georgia get in trouble?

You can certainly get into trouble with your parents, or with health issues, but there is nothing illegal about someone 16 or older dating or having sexual contact with an older person in Georgia.

Is it illegal for a 21 year old man to date a 15 year old girl in Maryland or anywhere?

Dating between people of any age is legal, as long as the parents of minors consent. What is illegal is if it progresses into sexual activity.

In New York state is it illegal for a 17 year old boy and a 13 year old girl to be dating with both parents concent?

There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact and 13 is way too young. The age of consent is 16. Parents cannot consent to breaking the law.

Is it illegal to talk to and 18 year old and you 15 if your only being a friend and it has nothing to do with dating or nothing sexual at all?

No it is not illegal.