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Q: Is it legal to have a pet painted turtle in Virginia?
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Is a painted turtle legal to own as a pet in California?

Yes it is legal. Both painted turtles and red sliders are legal.

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Can a forest turtle be a pet?

It depends is its specie endanger or not. It also depends what specie is it. If it is a painted turtle that's OK but if its a snapping turtle then probably not because it can hurt you mildly. Check on Google to see if its endangered or not and if its safe.

Can you have a pet turtle in Tasmania?

Turtles are not a legal pet to own in Tasmania. The animal is under protection from Nature Conservation Act 2002.

Is it legal to have a turtle at human home as pet?

not realy but hording wild box turtles it is a leagle

Can baby painted turtles be with adult painted turtles?

You're not suppose to, but i have a penny-sized painted turtle in with 2 huge red eared sliders. The pet store says they should be comparible in size. but go ahead

Is it legal to have a pet turtle from a pet store?

yes i think it would be a very bad idea considering if u are asking this question you propably dont know much about turtles and how you can't just take an egg i would talk to a wildlife person and do a lot of research first but better yet, just get one from a pet store

How much can a pet turtle be?

A pet turtle can be about a 50 years old.

Do painted turtles need something to climb on?

they have to have somthing to land on or they will drown of exhaustion. i have a pet turtle they make great pets so DONT kill it!

If your pet painted turtle laid eggs in the water and you buried them will they live?

If you took the egg out of the water before the 2 hours after it was layed then it is possible for it to live.

Is it allowed to keep a turtle as a pet in Norway?

I think so. My friend had a turtle as a pet.