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Q: Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Alabama?
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Is it legal to have a raccoon as a pet in Canada?

I don't think so.

Is it legal to keep a Raccoon as a pet in the UK?

No, it is illegal to keep a raccoon as a pet in the UK. Raccoons are considered non-native invasive species and are prohibited from being kept as pets under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

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as long as its not a ocean shark

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It is illegal to keep a skunk as a pet in the state of Utah. It is legal in several states including Alabama and Kentucky.

Is it legal for raccoon to be a pet?

Some states allow raccoons to be kept as pets, others do not. You need to check with local authorities, such as a game warden.

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Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Pennsylvania?

I have been told by my veterinarian that it is illegal to have a pet raccoon in PA. I also live in PA and have a baby raccoon that comes around every night to eat. If it is discovered that you have one, the DEC will come, take the animal and kill it to test for rabies. I think this is a stupid law as it is legal to have a pet skunk in PA but not a pet raccoon.

Did Calvin have a raccoon?

President Calvin Coolidge had a pet raccoon while he was in the White House

Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Tennessee?

Yes, however, you MUST name it "Fred" and have it neutered. Also, you are encouraged to paint a white stripe down its back , so people think it's only a skunk. Just kidding. No, it's not only not legal, it's not smart. Racoons are wild animals, they often carry rabies, and will bite the hell out of you. Get a rabbit instead.

Can a boar raccoon be neutered?

Yes, a male raccoon can be neutered but the animal will still not be a suitable pet.

What president's wife had a pet raccoon for a pet?

President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge had two pet raccoons.

Which raccoon makes a better pet?

No raccoon makes a good pet. They are wild animals and not domesticated. As they approach adult age the hormones kick in. The behavior of the raccoon becomes unpredictable. They can suddenly turn vicious and difficult to handle.