

Best Answer

Gas is always cheaper than electric, just look at your utility bills.

In many regions of the US, electric utility companies offer "time of use" rates and establish peak and non-peak use times. During off peak times the rate is quite comparable with natural gas ... but in high peak periods, electric costs per Kwh can be more than double that of off peak rates.

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Q: Is it less expensive to use gas or electric to dry clothes?
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What are pros and cons of gas clothes dryers?

Gas clothes dryers are more energy efficient. They take less time to dry clothing than electric dryers. The cost of gas usage is cheaper than electric also.

Are electric dryers or gas dryers more energy efficient?

Gas dryers will dry clothes using less overall energy. However that does not necessarily mean that they are the cheapest to operate. Overall operating costs will depend on the cost of your gas. Natural gas is far less expensive than propane.

What is the best way to dry wet clothes?

A dryer is used to dry clothes. The spinning drum is used to break up the clothes that are wet, so it makes them dry faster! There is also heat vents inside of the drum to speed up the drying process.

Are dry clothes wool?

Dry clothes can be made from any fabric.

Why do clothes dry faster on a dry day?

because the air is more dry not moist and it makes the clothes dry faster.

Is heat or wind used to dry clothes?

Wind is used to dry clothes.

What is the process that causes the clothes on a line to dry?

The clothes dry through evaporation.

How do I change the color of a dry wall?

Paradigm Paint is good for painting the dry wall and it will change the dry wall and it is good quality and it is of best quality and less expensive and best on my opinion.

Why do wet clothes on a washing line dry faster on a hot day than a cold day?

Because on got day there is less moisture in air so, the clothes dry faster on a hot day than a cool day.

Why do clothes dry faster in summer?

Clothes dry faster in summer because dry air in summer and no humidity.

How can clothes dry without heating them to the boiling point of water?

Hanging the clothes up and allowing air circulation around the clothes will dry them via evaporation. The drier the air and the faster the airflow - the quicker the clothes will dry.

Do clothes drying racks dry clothes quickly?

They do dry the clothes quickly so long as they are placed somewhere with a good supply of heat such as infront of a radiator as this will help the clothes to dry quicker.