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Q: Is it mandatory to include XML declaration in an XML document?
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Are spaces allowed in xml?

white spaces is allowed in xml but not before the xml declaration. white space before the xml declaration is interpreted as a processing instruction.

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What is element in XML document?

In xml, an element is a piece of data.

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What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the xml version?

<?xml version="1.0"?>

How do you parse XML using JavaScript?

To manipulate an XML document in javascript, you need an XML parser. Today all browsers come with in-built parsers that can parse the XML document. The parser loads the document into your computer's memory. Once the document is loaded, its data can be manipulated using the DOM(Document Object Model). There is significant differences in implementation of Microsoft Browser based XML parser and the Mozilla browsers based XML parser.

What is the difference between a well formed XML document and a Valid XML document?

Well-formed XML means that the XML is correct (it has only one root node, and all elements match an end element tag)Valid XML means that the XML can be validated to an XML Schema or DTD, and that all the tags in the XML are also in the Schema or DTD, and in the right place.

What is XML Parsing?

Extensive MarkUp languageXML parsing is when you convert an XML document into an XML DOM object - which can then be manipulated with a JavaScript.

What is the difference between the xml and wml?

XML and WML both use the same markup / language. If you know XML, you know WML - and vice versa. However, XML is intentionally developed for computers, or other devices with larger screens. WML is developed for smaller-screened devices, such as PDA's and cell phones. Regardless, most devices, small or large screen'ed, now accept both formats of the XML language without complaining - but users may notice a difference in layout. On the technical side of things, WML standards branch off XML standards (which determine how things should be layed out on a screen or other display) - making the standards relatively different. WML is placed in WML-type documents ("file.wml"), as XML is placed in XML-type documents ("file.xml"). WML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an WML standard, as XML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an XML standard.

What are xml and dtd?

xml stands for extensible markup language, xml is a markup language that is used to transfer data / information. Dtd stands for document type definitionand dtd is used to define the legal building blocks of an XML document.