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Statistically, men are more likely to have an STD, because we tend to have more sex partners than women. If you are sexually active and you and/or your lover have more than one partner, you should find a free clinic and get tested regularly. Remember, not all STDs have obvious symptoms! You DO NOT want to get a reputation as a person who spreads STDs.

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Q: Is it more likely to get an STD if your straight or gay?
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If gay people have std and they're gay can they get it?

Depends on what you mean by "it". The germs that cause STDs don't know if you're gay or straight, male or female, so a gay person can get an STD from any sex partner who has an STD. But if you're asking if a gay person with an STD can make another person gay, the answer is No. Being gay isn't a disease.

What percent of males are gay or bicurious?

More than likely a man is straight but the gay percentage is 2%

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Although sexual orientation (whether a person is gay or straight) may be genetically determined, there's no statistical evidence that gay men are more likely than straight men to have gay children.

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They don't. This is a myth. However, gay teens are more likely to commit suicide than straight teens, due to rejection by family.

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if you mean Burt Reynolds, he has been married several times, so he more than likely is straight, if he is gay, that would be his private business.

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THEN gay is straight and straight is gay

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Some of them will, but most won't. Just like the children of straight people. The orientation of the parents has nothing to do with the orientation of the children.Keep in mind that almost all gay people were raised by straight parents.

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There's no connection between foot fetishes and homosexuality. But openly gay men might be more willing to admit we have a fetish than straight guys.

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There is no connection between sexual orientation and being an exhibitionist. Gay people aren't more likely to be exhibitionists than straight people.

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No, in fact, it's the opposite. There are many more straight sociopaths than gay ones.

Do gay people hate bisexuals?

It depends on the person, but gay people are more likely NOT to hate because of orientation than straight people.That said, there are some gay people who hate bisexuals and vice versa.

Is it true gay men are more attractive than straight men?

No, not at all. It may seem to a gay man that they are more attractive, but this is because they are more likely to become partners with that man than straight men. 2:alot of women like to be in the company of gay men, even to go out on a social level as they do not feel threatened in any way.