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Q: Is it named espresso or expresso?
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Related questions

Is espresso a depressant?

No, expresso is a stimulant.

What rhymes with espresso?

Besso, successo, expresso

How do you say espresso in spanish?

It's pronounced as written (i.e. eSpresso not eXpresso), but it is spelled "espreso", pronounced 'essPRESSaw'

Is instant espresso powder the same as instant coffee?

No. Espresso "powder" is the very finely ground coffee beans. With it you make real espresso from scratch in an espresso machine.Instant Espresso is freeze dried espresso coffee. With it you make an instant coffee by adding water (without the machine).

Are the rancillio espresso machines reliable?

The prodoct reviews from the expresso machines on avergae say that the machine is very difficult to use, but that the quality of the expresso you make is worth it.

What is over extracted shot of espresso?

It is an expresso hit so once you have had too much you will die

How many ounces are in an expresso cup?

The average espresso cup holds 2 U.S. fluid ounces.

Who is the ostrich in Donkey Kong Country?

The ostrich's name is Expresso, named after a type of coffee called espresso. he can make falling go slower by flapping and Klaptraps cannot injure him, due to his long legs.

What type of grounds do I use in an espresso machine?

There are pre-made cups that come with expresso machines that are specially formulated for this.

what website sells automatic espresso machine?

A lot of websites like amazon and ebay sell expresso machines. There are other websites that only sell expresso machines, like

What kind of expresso coffee maker is used at Starbucks?

The espresso machine that I have found to be most commonly used in Starbucks is the Barista or Sirena espresso makers. You can find these sold on ebay if you are interested.

What can a Francis expresso machine do?

A Francis Expresso machine is a very high-end espresso maker.It costs are around five hundred dollars. It comes with an automatic boiler refill, and audio-visual display.