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Yes, Because I personally would not want a infected tooth in my mouth. I would like to get that tooth out because I would not want to have to deal with that breath taking pain.

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Q: Is it necessary to take out a wisdom tooth that has a sinus infection?
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Can you get your wisdom teeth pulled when you have strep throat?

No, your wisdom teeth stays under your gum in the back of your mouth and it never comes out. When being tested in Scientific labs, Scientists know that wisdom teeth never come out in any infection, surgery, operation, etc. This is to my research, WIll [11] I had a sinus infection during just a dental cleaning and could not get rid of it for another 3 months thereafter. I would avoid a tooth extraction until you are better.

Can you get a wisdom tooth infection even if you have taken medicine?

Yes, you can. An infection in your wisdom tooth is signaled by foul taste in your mouth, bad persistance breath, pain in your teeth, headache, fever and chills (at advanced stage infection).

How can I tell if I have a sinus infection?

Some symptoms of a sinus infection include headache, bad breath, stuffy nose, fever, tooth pain and reduced sense of taste and smell. If you have quite a few of these symptoms then you could very likely have a sinus infection.

Can a fractured tooth with a cavity cause sinus problems?

If it is an upper tooth, yes. That is because often the roots of the upper back teeth sit in the maxillary sinus. Any infection of those roots can result in problems with the sinus.

What could be wrong if you have jaw pain and some ear pain but no tooth pain?

It could very well be a wisdom tooth trying to cut. When a wisdom tooth begins to cut, it can move several teeth in the process and cause some jaw pain. The ear pain could be drainage if a wisdom tooth is cutting. A few painkillers are your best bet to help the pain, or you could opt to have the wisdom teeth removed surgically. It could also be a sinus infection or infection in a root tooth. A dentist's x-ray is the best plan.

What about air travel while on antibiotics for a wisdom tooth infection?

It's fine.

Can a n impacted wisdom tooth cause severe headaches?

if it is the source of an infection, it can

Can you get an infection months after your wisdom tooth has been pulled?

yeah!!! i got an infection...and let me tell you it hurts like hell..

Is it normal to get a fewer when you get a wisdom tooth?

a fewer? you mean fever? ITS NOT UNCOMMON. But its a sign of infection or abcess.

Can you treat a sinus infection caused by tooth with clindamycin?

Yes you sure can. Clindamycin is used to treat the following (amongst MANY others): Severe Sinusitis caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Acute Streptococcus Pyogenes Bacteria Infection of Sinuses, Acute Sinus Infection caused by Staphylococcus Bacteria, Sinus Irritation and Congestion

Why do you have to have your wisdom teeth extracted when they come in?

Wisdom teeth should be extracted when they push and damage the 7th tooth while they grow, also when they develop a cyst or cause an infection, and wisdom teeth are removed if they're causing problems with prosthesis. Here's an interesting video about wisdom tooth extraction.