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im using a depotrust injectable in 3 times this is my last last injection was in march 13 and the expiration date is last june 13,,,after that in june 28 my husband use me within 1 week coitus,,,my question is there is a possible that im pregrant because my normal meanstruation is not come...

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Q: Is it normal after depotrust injectables no menstruation for a month?
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Is it normal to have menstruation two times a month?

menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 days. Changes from month to month are also normal. So having your menstruation 2 times a month is normal as long as its around 3 weeks apart. If not there may be other disorders.... My menstruation is 21 days apart and can go as short as 3 days and as long as 8 days. there is nothing abnormal about it. Alot of my friends has the same condition :)

Is it normal to menstruate for a month?

It is not normal to menstruate for a month. Some causes that lead to irregular patterns of menstruation include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

What to epect for being off birth control for a month?

Menstruation and you are fertile again, everything back to normal.

Is it normal to have creamy mucus before menstruation?

Yes.It is normal but it is not your true first period. It will come later.

Is it normal to have a period every month since menstruation started?

Yes, it's normal to have a period every month since menstruation started. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days so that means periods will typically be monthly, although irregular cycles are common during the first few years of menstruating not everyone skips cycles.

What does it mean if you are menstruating twice a month?

If you are menstruating twice a month, it means that your periods are irregular. Normal menstruation occurs once a month. You could make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options if your menstrual cycle is bothering you.

Is it normal for you to have your period twice a month and it has always been like that?

I think,no.because menstruation happens only one times a moth.3-7days.

Why is a menstruation important for a female?

Menstruation takes place about once a month during a woman's reproductive years. If woman has normal menstrual cycle she can get pregnant. If woman hasn't menstruation she hasn't possibility of conceiving/bearing children.

Is it bad that you are menstruation for over 1 month?

Yes,it is

When can you expect your period after a miss carriage?

You will have your menstruation after a month.

The shedding of the lining in the woman's uterus once a month is called what?

When the uterine lining sheds this is typically called menstruation. Although women on hormonal birth control will experience a faux period in the form of a withdrawal bleed.

What does it mean to get your period 10 days early?

It means that menstruation is often erratic, and can vary from month to month. It means that you're fine. And not pregnant. It means that menstruation is often erratic, and can vary from month to month. It means that you're fine. And not pregnant.