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people often feel kicking as early as 16 weeks. a 17 week old baby may kick and you might feel it in your cervix. usually they aren't that strong at that age, though. is your doctor sure of your dates?

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Q: Is it normal for a17 weeks fetus to kick to the cervix?
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Can a fetus kick the cervix?

Not by direct contact no, because it is in the bag of waters. Through indirect contact, yes.

Can a 9 weeks fetus moves?

Yes it can kick and stuff cause it's in the 2nd trimester.

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the fetus kicks its legs due to its nervous system!

Why does a fetus kick at the touch of a person?

about the first stage to the second

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A five month old fetus will kick alot because there is lots of room to do it your pregnancy progresses these movements will feel stronger as baby runs out of space........He/She is playing.

How do you do the No-Shadow Kick?

no shadow kick can be any normal kick, but the special thing about it is that it is deceiving. no shadow kick is a deceiving kick.

Is it normal to be 18wks pregnant with your third child and have no fetal movement at all?

Absolutly, I felt my 3rd baby kick once at 17 weeks and then nothing till 22 weeks, exactly when I felt my other two start kicking.

Is it possible to feel a baby kick at 17 weeks 2 days instead of the fluttering feeling?

I think so. I felt my second kick at 14 weeks.

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have never felt my baby kick. is this normal?

I think its perfectly normal, im 19 weeks pregnant and was panicking because i hadnt felt the baby move yet, but about two nights ago it did move. I also heard that it can take up to 26 weeks until you feel your baby move, so dont panic yet.

Are you able to feel the baby kicking your cervix?

Yes, it is possible to feel the baby kicking or hitting your cervix. This is more likely as the pregnancy progresses, since the baby is bigger and stronger later in the pregnancy. You will almost certainly feel the baby making contact with the cervix once the baby has started to engage (starts to enter the pelvis in preparation for birth); when a baby is fully engaged, his or her head will press directly on the cervix. Some mothers will find the baby making contact with the cervix more uncomfortable than others, and for a few it may be somewhat painful. For most women, the sensation is simply unusual.

Why would an unborn stop moving at 38 weeks?

You should call or see your OB right away. The worst case scenerio is that something catastrophic has happened that is limiting the blood or oxygen supply to the fetus and an emergent c-section will be required. This is why "kick counts" are so important in the last couple of weeks during your pregnancy.

Is it easier to kick flip off of stairs or just a normal kick flip?

normal kick flip maybe well most likely it can also be easy off stairs because you have more time on the air