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This may happen to some boys and girls. This is the age when there is increase in libido. Also many people are experimenting with their sexuality.

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Q: Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to be attracted to other boys during puberty?
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If there is any pain during attaining male puberty?

Yes normal body aches and pains other than that no

Is rage normal during puberty?

Mood swings, including rage arecompletely normal during puberty. It is caused by the fluctuation in testosterone and other hormones in males during puberty. Though their are also other factors that can cause rage, such as stress, which is also very common to pubescent males. Yes Boys do I Have Been Through Puberty My Doctor Said That it Was Because They Desired The Oppsite sex. The hormones of both male and female during puberty can cause mixed emotions very quickly and randomly so it can be very confusing at times. Stress and anger is displayed in rages but is also very quickly forgotten. It is a normal part of puberty for many teenagers.

Is it normal to be sexually attracted to your mother?

Maybe you are just going through puberty, so if that's the case, stop dwelling on those thoughts. For other scenarios, you just have to stop thinking about it or lusting on your mom.

Is it normal if your voice cracks but you have no other side effects of puberty?

There are no side effects of Puberty. Puberty is natural and normal. Changes happen to the body and brain that brings a child through puberty to adulthood. If your voice has broken then you will be a good way through puberty.

What if your nipple changes to roundish?

It is normal for the nipple shape to change during puberty (in both boys and girls) and during pregnancy. If your nipple is changing at other times, see your health care provider.

Is discharge a sign of breast cancer?

You mean vaginally? No. Discharge is normal. You mean liquid leaking from your breasts? It can be but that can also happen during puberty or other hormonal changes in life.

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No tissues are lost due to puberty. But you may loose blood and other vaginal tissue during menstruation. (for a girl)

At what age do humans start feeling attracted to each other?

Usually during puberty or after, but people do it all the time, even 5 year olds nowadays. (No joke, I caught 2 trying to make out in the girls bathroom once)

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Your partner thinks of other people what does that mean?

it is normal for them to be attracted to other people the fact the person is still with you means that they want you!

What are normal things to do in puberty?

Most of the boys discover orgasm during puberty. So it is normal for boys to masturbate. Some girls also masturbate during puberty. Be sure to get balanced diet and good exercise for proper growth and development.

Is this normal for a 13 year old during puberty?

13 is the average age for boys to begin Puberty. Not all boys start at the average age, some earlier and some later. Don't worry about if others have started and you haven't as you will catch up soon enough. Everyone is unique and different to each other. Puberty can take 6 years to finish !