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it depends on the function of the body, if the body works slowly, there is a high possiblity that the sperm will travel slowly, so take care of your body so that you wife will have babies soon! elodea here.

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Q: Is it normal for a 63 yr old man to have a very slow sperm flow?
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Is it normal for a 15 year old not to shoot but for the sperm to just flow when ejaculating?

Yes that is normal. The same thing happened to me when I was 13. It just means that you aren't very far into puberty. Just give it time and it will 'shoot' out. Not every male can shoot when ejaculating. A lot of males sperm just seeps out. This is normal.

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I assume this is in reference to the myth that marijuana causes sterility in men. This is completely false. So the chances of a marijuana smoker becoming impregnated by another smoker is just as likely as two non-smokers.