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Yes, it's called discharge. Every girl has that.

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Q: Is it normal for a girl to have a white stuff come from their veinas?
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Is it normal for white stuff to come out of an 18-year-old girl's vagina if she has a lot of sex?

If you have white stuff coming out you could have an infection. The white stuff is called discharge. If you are discharging you need to go see a doctor so they can give you something to get rid of it.

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It is like some kind of tissue coming out, you need to put some rubbing alcohol on it.

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no this means it was herpies so they will spread and this will lead towards cancer

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White stuff does not come out of chickenpox bumps. Perhaps you have misdiagnosed yourself. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Are you supposed to have white stuff come out your butt hole?

NO! if it's white and itchy, you have worms

What is the white stuff that come out of your vjj?

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You shouldn't have white stringy stuff come out of your penis when you urinate. Men have white stringy stuff come our of their penis when they ejaculate, but that is completely different than urination. If you are having white stuff come out of your penis when you urinate, you should see your doctor to get it checked out. They can figure out what is wrong and fix it. If you let an infection there go out of control for too long, it can cause some serious effects.

Is it normal to have stuff come out of you 3 days after your period?

Yes, I do it too, its a brownish color.

Why do you have large amounts of white stuff coming out of you?

Gee... I think that's a personal thing. Lots of white stuff??? How much white stuff? Are you talking ounces or gallons? I mean come on! Either you're a cow or not, right? Why is this categorized in 'Lexus RX'?

Is a woman pregnant if white stuff come out her virgina?

Maybe, but it was the gift you should've wrapped.

Are all white people from Wisconsin?

What? We may not have that many blacks but white people come from other countries! Like Germany and stuff