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Hear or you mean feel? A woman who has had a baby before is likely to recognize movement, since she has experienced this before, and also her uterine muscles are more lax making it easier to feel a kick. The first momentous sensation of life or "quickening"can occur anywhere between the 14th and 26th weeks, but generally closer to the average of the 18th to 22nd week. I am pregnant right now with my first child I felt her move for the first time about 24 weeks. Remember every womans body is different! God bless

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It depends how long your baby has not moved for. You should be aware of your baby's normal pattern of movement and any change or reduction from it's normal pattern of movement needs further investigation, by performing a cardiotocograph (CTG) to check the fetal heart rate and pattern. All babies should move within a 24 hour period, usually several times a day, but every baby is different. That is why mothers need to be aware of what their baby's movements are to be able to know if there has been a change. It is a myth that babies move less at term (37 week -42 weeks), they move differently as there is less room for somersaults, but they should still move. If you are worried that your baby is moving less than usual contact your midwife / obstetric unit, as soon as possible. Sometimes this is a sign that all is not well with your baby. If you have been busy / distracted sometimes sitting down and resting so you can concentrate on your baby's movements may mean you notice the baby moving. Midwife 30 years experience

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Q: Is it normal for baby not to move at 37weeks?
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Yes it is normal to feel your baby move under your belly button I'm pregnant with my third child and you feel the baby move any where it feels like kicking or turning. The only time you need to worry is if your baby inst moving at all.

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Try walking. Not sure if it will work or not. That's what I have always heard

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Yes, your baby has lots and lots of room to move about and he/she likes to make the most of that. Enjoy the reassurance!

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have never felt my baby kick. is this normal?

I think its perfectly normal, im 19 weeks pregnant and was panicking because i hadnt felt the baby move yet, but about two nights ago it did move. I also heard that it can take up to 26 weeks until you feel your baby move, so dont panic yet.

Is it normal for the baby not to move for a few hours?

Please consult your midwife or doctor in relation to your child's development, they are the best people to advise you on what to expect is normal or not during your pregnancy.

Is it normal for a baby not to move during the last stage of pregnancy?

no. once it starts, it shouldn't stop. best to go to the doctor.

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The baby may have turned around and be facing inwards instead of outwards which is why you haven't felt it move. However, if you have any concerns contact your midwife.

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The number of weeks is estimated roughly through the development of your baby. If it was conceived 36 weeks ago, it just means its developing a few days before it was expected, it's good news.

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When was Move on Baby created?

Move on Baby was created in 1993.

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