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Yes, it's normal for menstrual flow to be at the front of the pad, the middle of the pad, or the back of the pad. This all depends on how you position the pad and the position you're in, for example when laying down blood may flow to the back of the pad.

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Q: Is it normal for period blood to be at the front of a pad?
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Is it normal to have blobs of blood in your pad?

No, it sounds weird to me, lol!

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Is it normal to notice blood clots when not experienceing a bleed?

yes it is because sometimes it all comes out at one time and clogs so yes it is its also very common during your period to see a blood clot in your pad or on your tampon

Is it normal to have two small strings on your pad during period?

This is because the pad you have on is not the right one for you. Possibly, allergic reactions, dead period cells, or too much sex or wetness. Consult your OB/GYN.

What do i do if I'm terrified of getting my period?

relax! you don't have to worry. getting your period is normal. You just feel normal, except for wearing a pad. Just remember to change it every few hours.

What are pad's for women?

Pads are something that women put in here panties while there on the period and it absorbs the blood

When you have your period there more blood in the toilet not the pad?

During menstruation as the blood leaves the vagina it can remain around the vaginal opening and the vulva, thus it doesn't drip down onto the pad and instead when you urinate the urine washes the blood from the vulva and into the toilet.

What ia a period?

It is when a girls vaginia had blood coming out of it and they need to use a tampon or a pad to soak it all up

Why do girls wearing a dipers?

girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts.

What happens when a girl gets her period?

When a girl gets her period, blood comes from her vagina and she gets a bloated uterus, plus terrible cramps. When girls get their period, she must wear a tampon, or a pad. A pad is a liner that you put in your underwear. A tampon is something that a girl puts into her vagina.

Why is your blood black during period?

your blood turns brown as it mixes with oxygen, the longer you keep it sitting there (in your pad for example) the darker it gets. nothing abnormal about it!

Will it cause infection if you wear a pad before you get your period?

no it will not but instead of putting a pad on before your period just bring it with you