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Q: Is it normal for your Boston Terrier to have nipple swelling while on heat cycle?
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Boston Terrier still having bloody discharge after giving birth?

That is quite normal for a couple of weeks.

Is it normal to have 2 nipple holes in one nipple?

Yes, each normal nipple has multiple openings.

What if you have one normal nipple and on that goes in?

this can be very normal and there is nothing to worry about, it is called an inverted nipple.

What is a normal nipple sensation?

Normal nipple sensation is when it is stimulated then it will erect and constant stimulation makes the uterus contract.

My Boston terrier is on day 63 of her pregnancy and she's not showing is that normal?

If you have the days right then she should be ready to give birth.I would take her to the vet.

Is it normal for a Boston Terrier to snore?

Just ignore it. Some vets can enlarge the nostrils to make breathing easier.

Is it normal for your dogs nipple to be black?

yes it is normal

Are long nipples from breastfeeding normal?

Yes, this is normal. The nipple stretches as the baby sucks it towards the back of his/her mouth to draw the milk from the breast. The nipple will soon return to its normal shape.

Are big bumps around nipple normal?

That means you're gay.

Slight swelling on a new nose piercing?

Swelling is normal for a new piercing.

What does it mean if you have a little hole in your nipple?

Holes in the nipple are normal There are holes through which milk can flow, and holes for the oils that lubricate the nipple. If this is a new hole in your nipple, see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.