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It's very normal, in fact some people reach their peak of pain after 48 hours.

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Q: Is it normal to feel discomfort 48hrs after having wisdom extractions?
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Is it normal to have a painful black layer of skin over wisdom teeth sockets more than two months after extraction?

No, it is not. Return to the surgeon who performed the extractions and allow him/her to evaluate the situation. This is considered normal follow-up care and is included in the fee charged for the extractions. Do not put this off.

Does body jewelry have to be taken out for wisdom teeth extractions?

No. Unless you have a tongue piercing.

How long do you need to eat a cold diet after wisdom teeth extractions?

till it stop hurting

Is it normal for you to have severe migraines leading to slight loss in vision and swelling knots on your jawbone and throbbing of the temples after wisdom teeth extraction?

No, having migraines for 5 days in a row is not normal at all after having your wisdom teeth pulled. You should contact the dentist right away.

What happens when your wisdom teeth are removed?

Wisdom teeth are removed the same as most extractions other than they can be partially impacted in the bone. You can expect some discomfort once you get home but normally cold compresses and otc pain meds are enough

Can you drink alcohol the next day after you have your wisdom removed?

The second day after a wisdom tooth extraction, the wounds are still healing. Drinking alcohol is not recommended until the mouth has completely healed from the wisdom teeth extractions.

How long before you can go travel after wisdom teeth are removed?

I asked my oral surgeon at my appointment on Friday and flew cross country from California to Baltimore two days later on Sunday morning after having all four wisdom teeth removed. The pressure associated with flying doesn't impact your clotting or post surgery wounds and flying provided no additional discomfort.

What percent of extractions cause dry socket?

It depends on who you ask. The literature on dry sockets after wisdom teeth extractions reports a range from 5-20% dry socket occurence. Most experienced oral surgeons will see fewer than 10% dry socket rate after wisdom teeth extractions. The biggest determining factor to risk is experience of the surgeon. Which means that newbies will have more dry sockets than seasoned surgeons.

Can you have extractions while wearing braces?

Yes, I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago while wearing braces.

What is the normal wait on having wisdom teeth out mine are coming in and they hurt what is a normal wait time on having them out?

You don't have to wait any specific time. Visit your dentist and they will refer you to an oral surgeon so that you can schedule removal.

Is it normal to not to be able to smile properly after you get your wisdom teeth pulled?

Due to local anesthetic, it can be difficult to smile, talk, or even open and close one's mouth following wisdom tooth extraction. This usually resolves itself as soon as the anesthetic wears off and the swelling goes down. This can take up to a week or more, depending on how difficult the extractions were.