

Is it normal to get wisdom teeth at age 40?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is it normal to get wisdom teeth at age 40?
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Who says that ? There is no age, some people are wise, while others are not so

How many teeth does an adult usually have?

Out of 32 adult (permanent) teeth, most adults have 28(wisdom teeth extracted), or 24(wisdom teeth and one premolar in each quadrant extracted). Most adults in their 40's have the latter, because it was common to extract the 4 premolars for orthodontia at that time. Most younger adults have 28 teeth. Some adults have all 32. I would say the average adult has 28 teeth.

What age is it normal for wet dreams to stop?

Middle age or in your 40's.

How many teeth are in a human mouth?

32. 4 incisors. 4 premolars and 4 molars. Top and bottom. Also 2 canines and 2 wisdom teeth per plate.

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80 teeth 40 on top 40 on the bottom

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Your ring gear is 40 teeth pinion is 13 teeth gear ratio is?

40/13 = 3.08

Can you tell the gender of a horse by its teeth?

No, you can vaguely tell the age however, by the length and wear on the teeth. The answer that I've seen is yes, that mature male horses have between 40 and 44 teeth, while mature females have 36-40. Yes, that may be true, however if both a mare and a gelding both have 40 teeth then there is no way to tell its gender. And why would you count teeth when you could just look underneith the horse or under the tail to see the gender.

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What is normal heart rate Mine is 40 how do i make it rise?

Your age determines your heart rate and what is normal for one age may not be normal for someone older or younger. I am a healty 50 year old and my doctor was concerned because my heart rate was 40 and he insisted that I get more excercise and raise my heart rate up to 65. He also incresed my Blood Pressure medicine.

How much teeth does a clouded leopard have?

a clouded leopard has about 40-60 teeth.