

Is it normal to have 90 days cycles?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Is it normal to have 90 days cycles?
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Is it normal to have menstrual cycles only every 90-95 days if your cycles are always that long?

no it should be roughly every 30 days give or take a few

Spotting after a period?

normal cycles can last 10 days. sorry Joymaker RN

Is it normal to have periods afte 45 days?

Yes, it's normal to have periods after 45 days. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and there's no problem if your cycle is longer than average. It's also normal for menstrual cycles lengths to vary over time, so your cycles may not always be 45 days long.

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Yes. First you are a baby, then after 3 days you are a toddler, in 7 days you are a child, 7 days till you are a teen, 14 days after you are a young adult and 21 days until you are an adult, about 20 days till you are an elder. Then you die around 90 if you have the normal age lifespan. When you are a young adult or an adult you can get married and have kids.

Is it normal to have a 40 day menstrual cycle?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for you to have a 40 day menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so your cycles may be longer, also some cycles will be a few days longer or there can be reasons for delayed menstruation.

What if your cycles was 5 days late but then started could you be pregnant?

Most likely was it just late. It happens and is normal.

Should you tell your mom if you have irregular periods?

Yes, if you have menstrual problems it's a good idea to tell someone. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone's cycles are different and a few days variation in your cycles is normal too - when we talk of irregular cycles we mean weeks or months difference between cycles. Irregular cycles are normal in your pre-teens or teens as a result of hormonal imbalance, but if severe you should consider seeing a doctor to rule out serious problems.

How many days is January 27 to April 26?

89 days in a normal year and 90 days in a leap year.

How many days are in January to March?

In a normal year there are 90 days in January to March. In a leap year there are 91 days.

Is it normal to have a period 6 days early im just 12 and you dont know help?

Yes, early cyles vary in days and length of cycles. As you get older it should regulate to a more normal pattern.

How often do girls have their periods?

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but everyone is different. Many women will have cycles that are a lot longer than average, it's also normal for there to be up to a weeks variation between cycles or if a woman has irregular cycles she may have longer cycles and shorter cycles. There are also girls who do not have periods at all because they don't have the correct anatomy.