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Yes, that is the top of your rib cage.

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Q: Is it normal to have a lump in the center of your chest?
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What can cause you to have a lump in the center of the chest just below the ribcage?

a bite from an insect or animal

My breasts feel hard in the center of each breast is this normal?

Go to the doctor. A lump in the breast is not normal.

Why is paddys chest a lump?

because he is a lump

Is it normal to feel a lump in sternum area?

Yes, because that actually is your sternum (your talking about upper chest area)

Lump on your chest were you banged your chest?

If it does not get better in a week or so then go to the doctor and have it checked out.

What does it mean if you feel your heartbeat in the middle of your chest?

That means nothing.Its normal most part of your heart is at the center only.

What is a lady lump?

The chest in front and the rump in the back.

Is a pea sized lump on your crotch normal?


What could the firm lump be on the back of your neck in the center just below the hairline?

that is perfectly normal dont worry, but if it is growing or changin shape, then go and see your GP

What can a painless lump on upper right side of the back behind the chest be?

keine idea

What is the bone in the center of the chest between the ribs?

The bone in the center of the chest is the sternum; it is also called the breastbone.

Should you see a doctor if a lump forms when you bend your knee?

It depends on if it is a normal lump that everybody has. If it is not yes see a doctor