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a bite from an insect or animal

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Q: What can cause you to have a lump in the center of the chest just below the ribcage?
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Related questions

Are chest compressions under the ribcage?

The proper location is about two fingers width below the Xiphoid process (the peice of cartilage between the ribs.) This is more between the ribcage and not below it.

Where are then lungs located?

In your chest and behind your ribcage.

Is the heart behind the left breast in a women?

Yes, the heart is located slightly to the left of the center of the chest, behind the left breast. It is protected by a layer of tissue and the ribcage.

Is it possible to get arthritis in the ribcage?

Arthritus in your chest, whats it called

What is a dove chest?

I have always been taught that men have a 'barrel' chest while women with large or protruding ribcage/sternum have a 'dove' chest.

What is the bony enclosing wall of the chest in 7 words?

RIBCAGE - good luck on the cross word :)

Are your lungs in your upper back?

your lungs are just inside your ribcage, from the chest in. there is your heart, stomach, spine, some arm muscles, and big arteries and veins between your lungs and your back skin. there is just the ribcage and a couple big blood vessels between the lungs and the chest.

Is it possible to get micro dermals on your chest?

Yep :) got one myself! below the center of my collar bones..

How many bones are in a T-rex's ribcage?

12 thoracic (chest) vertebrae, the 24 ribs

Can you die from a hard smack to the chest?

yes you can. a hard enough punch could cause your ribcage to cave in slightly and hit your heart, causing damage to the heart and causing it to beat irregularly, thereby killing you.

What would cause pain in center of chest when moving left arm?

It could be a sign of a broken rib.

Scientific name for the ribcage?

The scientific name for the ribcage is thoracic cage, which includes the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae. It is a bony structure that protects the vital organs located in the chest cavity, such as the heart and lungs.