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Generally speaking, yes. The subconscious mind is adept at noticing subtle patterns of behavior, comments, trends, etc. that might be overlooked by the conscious mind. The subconscious then follows these patterns and trends to their obvious conclusions, and the result is a dream that appears to accurately predict the future. But this is no more supernatural than the weather report forecasting next week's rain.

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Q: Is it normal to have a precognitive dream?
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Dreams are rarely precognitive. It is more likely that you are experiencing deja vu, a phenomenon that causes one to feel very strongly that one has experienced something previously, even though that is impossible. People often explain the feeling of deja vu by concluding that one must have dreamt the event before it happened. The only sure way to know that a precognitive dream occurred is to maintain a dream diary that can be referred to when one appears to have a "dream come true."

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It isn't. But write it down and see what happens in 2 years...

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Deja Vu ESP is the feeling of having experienced the present situation before, often associated with extrasensory perception. Precognitive dreams involve dreaming of future events or experiences before they happen. Both phenomena suggest a connection beyond normal perception, but Deja Vu ESP occurs in waking moments while precognitive dreams happen during sleep.

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Yes it is normal if you get a young man's number and dream of him after because you probably are very interested in him and excited he gave out his number.

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By definition, a lucid dream is a dream in which the dreamer not only is aware of dreaming but also has conscious control of the dream. If one cannot stop or alter the course of the dream, one is not actually in a lucid dream. The question describes an ordinary, normal dream in which one happens to know one is dreaming.

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Papakura Normal School's motto is 'Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It'.

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YES! Justin Bieber is a normal guy living out his dream! no haterz

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