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If you are having heavy bleeding that long after birth, you are doing too much. Climb into bed with your baby, and don't do anything for a few days but nurse and rest. Stay hydrated, and eat well (lots of protein). Keep off your feet, and ask friends and relatives to help with household chores for a couple more weeks.

If after a day or two of staying off your feet and getting lots of rest the bleeding doesn't lighten up, you will need to see your doctor.

NOTE: If you are not breastfeeding, it is possible to have your first period this soon after delivery. The first period after delivery can be heavier than normal. But it should lightenvup after a couple of days, as a regular period would.

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Q: Is it normal to have heavy bleeding and clotting 5 weeks after c-section and tubal ligation?
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What is the normal bleeding time?

The clotting time must be between 3 and 8 minutes to be in normal range

After tubal ligation is it normal to bleed heavily after 4 days?

Women bleed for different amounts of time after a tubal ligation. if you are heavily bleeding after 4 days, you should see a physician as soon as possible.

What is necessary to occur to prevent hemorrhage?

It is necessary to have normal clotting factors (check bleeding time, clotting time, prothrombin time). It is necessary to detect internal bleeding. To prevent Gastrointestinal bleeding measures like deworming or other appropriate measures to prevent chronic or acute blood loss are to be taken. This is done surgically or by promoting clotting or preventing the cause of hemorrhage.

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It prevents normal blood clotting, which results in severe bruising from minor bumps and severe bleeding from minor cuts and scrapes. It is usually fatal without continuing treatment with transfusions and medications to assist clotting.

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Longer clotting times, its a clotting disorder.

What are platelets and what do they have to with heart problem?

Platelets are a component of blood which are involved in blood clotting which stops bleeding and stops infection. However, if clotting occurs during the normal circulation of the blood, the clot might lodge in some blood vessel, cutting of the blood supply to vital organs, such as the heart.

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The difference between normal clotting and the clotting present in hypercoagulation is that these clots develop in circulating blood

Why are you bleeding for 2 months?

You may have one of many things, from a fibroid to a clotting abnormality. Whatever the case, bleeding for two months, definitely isn't normal and it would be wise to see your doctor soon. The blood loss can lead to other problems if not taken care of promptly.

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Internal bleeding is when you bleed on the inside as where normal bleeding is where you bleed on the outside

What do you do when your body is forming blood clots?

Well, if your blood is clotting the way that it should be, then when you bleed, you will not continue bleeding forever like people who have hemophilia. For instance, if you get a paper cut, you shouldn't be bleeding for a very long time and should see redness in the area. That means that the blood is rushing to the site and the platelets are trying to clot your blood. Soon, you will start to see a scab. Those are all normal signs of clotting. If you are concerned that you are not clotting at all or enough, you should talk to your doctor and he/she may recommend a blood test to see you platelet count. If it is too low, that may be why your blood isn't clotting.

What causes false positives after a tubal ligation?

Hey be very careful with that if you have any bleeding that is heavier than normal go to the ER. I had a friend that had a tubal pg three years after having her tubes tied. BECAREFUL! Email if you have more questions I have had to have a tube removed (tubal PG) ! Brandi

Bright red and clotty period what could this mean why so bright and clotty?

If menstrual bleeding and clotting is different from normal for several months it may be a good idea to bring this to the attention of your doctor. This is normal in small amounts but an ongoing situation may need further treatment.