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Q: Is it normal to have moles on your rectum?
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Is is normal to have moles for 3 or 4 years and then they just disappear one day?

If they disappeared they probably weren't moles.

Your rectum smells like poo is this normal?

if it was due to mitu's mum giving you hardcore anal, then no.

Is it normal to have small warty moles on your rectum?

It is not possible to say without seeing them, speaking with you, and knowing your past medical history. "Warty moles" is a helpful description, but not specific enough to say whether they are normal or abnormal. (Also, by "rectum" we presume you mean the perianal area, however this is a misunderstanding of the term. The rectum is actually one of the last segments of the large intestine, and therefore is inside the body.) Your description might be consistent with perianal warts caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). These are pesky, but are not generally cause for concern. "Warty moles" may also describe perianal skin tags. These are very common, and generally thought to be benign, although they too can be bothersome. In some cases, perianal skin tags are associated with Crohn disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease. There are many other possibilities. Information taken from WikiAnswers, while provided with the best intentions, is not meant to be construed as medical advice. The only advice we give is that you speak with a clinician, who can evaluate your concerns in the proper clinical context.

Can a doctor tell when doing a rectum examantion if the patent is having rectum intercourse?

The anus is usually wider after intercourse, but this returns to normal soon enough. I doubt this is what the doctor cares about though.

Which of theese body areas is 99.6 degrees fa normal temperatures is it the mouth or the rectum?


What does it mean when you are having normal sex and bleed from your rectum?

Change diet. increase iron and fiber intake See a doctor.

Is it normal to have a mole on your breast?

moles and freckles on breasts appear sometimes. This is normal. Check the mole over time, if there is change in size or color, get help.

Is it normal to have mole on your breast?

moles and freckles on breasts appear sometimes. This is normal. Check the mole over time, if there is change in size or color, get help.

Is it the rectum first or the anus?

the rectum