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Yes, love yourself before you can love others!

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Q: Is it normal to look at yourself naked?
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What does the prime minister look like naked?

are you some perverted freak??!! seriously that really creeps me out! look at yourself!

Is it normal if you want to be naked and why is it normal to want to be naked?

Yes, it is.

Are you and your friend gay for looking at each other naked?

You are gay if you are primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to people of the same sex as yourself, or if all or almost all of your sexual fantasies involve people of the same sex as yourself. It's normal for young people to look at each other naked, by the way. It's part of learning about your body.

Is it normal if you want to see your sister naked?

It is perfectly normal for males to want to see any female naked! It's part of puberty, when your hormones are over-active and you think about sex a whole lot. It is also normal to be curious about how other people look. The trick with relatives is to be mature enough to realize that it's not polite to look at them when they are naked. Sisters, especially, are very embarrassed by that situation, and it's immature and wrong to tease them by spying on them. Also, if you act in a mature manner, a sister can be a valuable person to talk to about your own relationships and how to talk to other women! So you are totally normal, but you need to control your desires and tell yourself "no" when you have those thoughts. And always treat girls and women with the respect they deserve.

What happen to the naked brother's bands career?

Why don't you get off your lazy butt, and look it up for yourself. Now shut up!

How do you look hot and get guys?

Just be a normal girl I once wanted to know this to but just be yourself

Is lying to your friends in order to make yourself look normal or like everyone else a sin?

You should just spit out the truth. You should not lie even if it to make you look normal.

What does a naked zebra look like?

A naked zebra would look like a zebra with no hair or fur.

How do you be yourself in a normal way?

If you are not a normal person it is impossible to be yourself in a normal way.

How does your blood look like as you see it with your naked eye?

When you look at your blood with the naked eye all you see is red liquid. This is all anyone sees with the naked eye.

What does Venus the goddess look like?

Usaully Naked beautiful and Semi-naked.

How do you dance at a party?

AnswerWith a lamp shade and Naked!!!or be yourself